Our Educational Programs
The Best Daycare

Infant Room
Infants will be in a group of seven maximum with a staff ratio of one staff to three or four children. Infants will follow their own eating and sleeping schedules and be provided with a crib or pack & play. A large rocking chair is available for adult use only. We have individual high chairs that have seat belts, exersaucers, rattles, dolls, balls, cars, books and much, much more. We will encourage and support mothers who are breast feeding to come in and feed or send in freshly expressed or frozen breast milk. There will be plenty of warmth, hugs, kisses, singing, reading, etc…all which babies (and children) need! We used to provide a daily paper note about your child's day, but we have upgraded to a quicker and more efficient system through a childcare app, called Brightwheel. Our staff members log every diaper change, feeding, nap, etc. throughout the day, and our communication lines are always open through this app. We even post the cutest pictures and videos of your child, which will be sure to make you smile! Communication is key to a good relationship between teachers and parents.

Toddler Room
Toddlers will be in groups of eight with a staff ratio of one staff to four children. Activities will include art projects, music, self-help skills, story time, manipulatives to help develop fine and gross motor skills, toilet learning, outdoor activities and much, much more. The children will follow a daily schedule, which is posted on a small bulletin board in the classroom for the parents to view. There is also a copy of said schedule in our "Welcome to the Toddler Room" packet that is sent home with each child at the beginning of the school year. Parents are free to call the Center, or message us on Brightwheel at any time to speak to the teachers about their child(ren) if they have any questions and don’t have time during the morning drop off or afternoon pick up. We are always available to answer whatever questions you may have. Communication is very important to us!

Preschool Room
A complete full day nursery school and so much more! Preschoolers will be in a group of ten with a staff ratio of one staff to ten children. Daily activities will include art, creative movement, sight words, an introduction to basic math skills, science, free play, etc. For those getting ready for Kindergarten, developmentally appropriate activities will be provided to help make the transition as smooth as possible. The children will follow a daily schedule, which is posted on one of the bulletin boards in the classroom for the parents to view. Parents are encouraged to call the Center or message us on Brightwheel at any time to speak with any of the staff members regarding any questions you may have. Our days may get hectic, but we will always make time for you, as communication is very important to us!

Outdoor Imagination (Playground)
As long as weather permits, we enjoy going outside daily - letting the children explore, run and be creative. There is an array of tricycles, cars, scooters, trucks and other ride-on toys to choose from. We have age appropriate swings for each age group, but the fun doesn't stop there...we also have sidewalk chalk, bubbles, a sandbox, and beach balls. Our outdoor playground is a child's dream! There is a separate area for infants and toddlers called Toddler Town and a bigger area, where the swings and bikes are located, known as Preschool Land. The children are able to move about freely as they like.